

Die seit 2010 ruhende Zeitschrift Chatreššar erscheint ab sofort wieder halbjährlich als voll rezensierte, frei zugängliche Zeitschrift für indogermanische, semitische und Keilschriftsprachen.


Kratylos online

Der Kratylos, die Rezensionszeitschrift der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, hat eine Online-Ausgabe.



Die Indogermanische Gesellschaft hat einen Facebook-Auftritt in Form einer FB-Gruppe.

Alle Mitglieder sowie auch alle sonstigen Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen, der Gruppe beizutreten.


Neue Zeitschrift: *Wékuos

Die neue Fachzeitschrift *Wékuos wird von Romain Garnier, Univ. Limoges, herausgegeben. Beschreibung, feuille de style, composition du bureau, Facebook-Gruppe.

Neue Zeitschrift: Indo-European Linguistics

Indo-European Linguistics is a new, double-blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the Indo-European languages from the perspective of modern linguistics. It provides a venue for synchronic or diachronic linguistic studies of the older Indo-European languages and the Indo-European family as a whole, within any theoretical or analytical framework. IEUL welcomes submissions dealing with phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects of the older Indo-European languages; historical studies of any of the Indo-European languages or branches, including problems related to the reconstruction of proto-Indo-European; typological investigations, including those which make use of data from non-Indo-European languages; and research which draws upon the findings of language acquisition, cognitive science, variationist sociolinguistics, or language contact. Contributions with a focus on more ‘traditional’ topics such as sound change or etymology, but which have ramifications for linguistic theory or general issues of language use, acquisition, and change, are likewise encouraged.
IEUL is published by Brill Academic Publishers in both print and electronic form. The electronic form will be open access at least for the first five years of the journal's publication. The print form will appear once per year as a volume of ca. 300 pages. The electronic version of articles will be posted as they are ready for publication.
General Editors:
Joseph F. Eska (Blacksburg)
Ronald Kim (Poznan)


Letzte Änderung: 13/02/2022